Synthetic Undercoat
Quarter Quantity: 1, Liters
Gallon Quantity: 4, Liters
Drumi Quantity: 16, Liters
Happilac Synthetic Undercoat is a solvent based interior and exterior primer for a variety of substrates such as woodwork, timber, fiber board etc.

- Excellent adhesion
- Facilitate stronger adhesion of topcoat
- High Coverage
- Resistant to the levels of atmospheric humidity present in a normal interior/exterior environment.
Happilac Synthetic Undercoat is a solvent based interior and exterior primer for a variety of substrates such as woodwork, timber, fiber board etc. It gives maximum enamel holdout and privides smooth tough surface.

Appropriate and good surface preparation significantly increases the topcoat life and durability. Deploy skilled/experienced individuals for the application of paint.
Surface to be painted must be dry, clean, and free from all contamination. Remove dirt, grease, and waxy material. Scuff with suitable sand paper and dust off. Apply Happilac Synthetic Undercoat on all wood surfaces. Allow the surface to dry out completely, scuff the surface with suitable sand paper and dust off. After surface preparation apply 2-3 coats of recommended Happilac top coat. Ensure complete drying between successive coats.

Health and Safety
- When applying paint, wear appropriate eye protection.
- In case of eye contact with the product, rinse with plenty of water for at least 10 minutes.
- Don’t breathe in spray, mist or dust.
- Ensure proper ventilation when applying paint.
- If swallowed, it may cause serious damage.
- When empty, don’t use its container for edible storage. Place out of reach of the children.
- Pregnant women are advised to avoid breathing paint mist or spray.
- In case of any emergency, undergo medical supervision as soon as possible.
WARNING: Scraping/sanding off previously painted surfaces may release lead dust or fumes. Lead is highly toxic; take protective measures thoroughly when rubbing off the old surfaces.

- Drying time may vary depending on the weather and drying conditions.
- Not suitable where surface is saturated with moisture.